The partial function partially applies a function with a subset of its arguments and returns a new one that takes fewer arguments. partial函数局部地应用使用其参数子集的一个函数,并返回一个获取更少参数的新函数。
Application of the Partial Coherence Function on the Noise Identification of Cars 偏相干法在识别轿车噪声源中的应用
Function# curry allows for partial function application Functioncurry允许partialfunction(译注:指定部分函数的参数,在使用时再提供另一部分参数)应用
Finally, their applications in the logic synthesis based on the partial linear function and calculating Boolean difference of logical functions are discussed. 最后讨论了它们在逻辑综合以及计算逻辑函数的布尔差分中的应用。
Finally, the paper includes the development and demo of partial function. 最后,进行了系统部分功能的开发,以及系统部分功能的演示。
Then the design process includes function module division and database design are elaborated in the paper. Finally the paper presents the realization process of partial function module of the subsystem. 然后详细阐述了系统的设计过程,包括功能模块的划分和数据库的设计,最后介绍了子系统部分功能模块的具体实现过程。
A multiple coherence function and partial coherence function analysis method is presented by whick the correlation between the input and output is established correctly and the effect could be given quantitatively of one or some of the input on the output in analysis a multi-input system. 对这种多输入系统,只能使用多重相干和偏相干函数分析方法,才能正确地给出全部输入与输出之间的因果关系,并定量地给出某个(或某几个)输入对输出的贡献。
Conclusion Motor nerve implantation after ectopic transplantation of skeletal muscle could prevent the atrophy of the muscle and resume partial function of nerve. 结论运动神经植入能有效防止或减轻异位移植寄养的骨骼肌失神经性萎缩,有助于恢复神经、肌肉的部分功能。
Discovery of a novel antimicrobial peptide family ( Glyrichin) and assay of its partial function by experiments 格拉利素抗菌肽家系的发现及部分功能验证
Based on the introduction of the systematic structure and working principle of PET, the thesis mainly described the realization of the partial function in the mechanical and electrical control system. Furthermore, the thesis referred the design of a new circuit of fan-out of high frequency clock. 本文在介绍正电子发射断层扫描仪系统结构及工作原理的基础上,着重对该仪器机电控制系统的部分功能实现作了详尽描述,并且介绍了一种新型的高频时钟扇出电路的设计。
This part mainly probes into the whole and partial function of law professional group. 主要探讨法律职业群体的整体功能和部分功能。
Partial function was recovered after opera-tion. 术后恢复了部分功能。
Manufacturing information management system is designed for an enterprise, with design principle, production cost in completion and partial function and method in relation of material supply basing on rated one introduced. 设计了一个企业生产信息管理系统,介绍其设计原理及有关实现生产成本、定额和车间材料领取等部分的实用功能和方法。
The partial function includes: political interacting function, legal maintaining function, social serving function, literal improving function, etc. 法律职业群体的部分功能包括:政治制约功能、.法制维护功能、社会服务功能、文化促进功能等。
Real-Estate for tourism is a mode of estate development distribution for tourism and its development item implements full or partial function of tourism. 旅游房地产是指以旅游为目的的房地产开发、营销模式,开发项目全部或部分实现了旅游的功能。
Conclusion: Selective renal arterial angiography and embolization is reliable and effective in diagnosis and treatment of acute renal hemorrhage and keeping partial function of the kidney. 结论:选择性肾动脉造影与栓塞是急性肾出血可靠的诊断方法,也是安全、有效的止血手段,并对保留患肾泌尿功能有重要意义。
In this paper, we introduce the method that realize partial function of PC DOS system by using VAX-11 BASIC language on Tat if VAX computer. 本文介绍在太极VAX计算机上,使用VAX11BASIC语言实现PC&DOS系统部分功能的方法。
In this paper, by using higher term virial expansion method, we get the expression of partial function for Hardsphere system. 本文利用高阶集团展开方法(三阶),求出二元系统配分函数的表达式。
Designing a turning device for mass production, we introduce total function diagram and partial function diagram to explain the program, which determine optimal overall plan in mechanical design. 通过设计一台用于批量生产的旋转装置,我们引入了总功能图和分功能图以说明确定机械设计最优总体方案的程序。
The exploitation and realization of the server's partial function to remote oil monitoring and diagnosis center was discussed, and the system is based on computer network. 利用当前的油液监测和计算机网络等技术,设计和开发了基于网络的油液监测诊断中心服务器端部分功能。
The problems in noise source identification by partial coherence function are discussed. 并讨论了偏相干函数、偏复相干函数在噪声源识别中的问题。
A complement on existence of periodic solutions for dealyed partial function differential equations 带时滞的偏泛函微分方程周期解存在性的一点补充
The object of preventive maintenance is that the road system misses partial function under normal operating condition. Its purpose is to delay the damage and prolong the service life of the road. And it needs to be carried out before the obvious damage appears. 预防性养护以道路系统正常使用状态下的部分功能性缺失为对象,以延缓道路损坏,延长道路使用寿命为目的,需在路面出现明显破坏之前进行。
TMS is a powerful electromagnetic field under the effect of deep brain resulting in the induction of biological currents, thus affecting the electrical activity of neuron and the corresponding partial function as a non-invasive physical methods. TMS是在强大电磁场作用下,在脑深部产生感应生物电流,从而影响相应脑神经细胞电活动和局部功能的一种无创的物理方法。
Finally, the capability analysis and partial function simulation of this system are presented in the dissertation. 最后给出了对该方案部分功能的仿真模拟和性能分析。
Pedicle screw pedicle screw-laminar hooks fixation system under the premise retain partial function, does not affect the adjacent segment degeneration, easier, and more minimally invasive, cheaper, safer and more effective treatment of juvenile bifida lumbar Gap. 椎弓根钉椎弓根钉-椎板钩内固定系统能够在保留局部功能、不影响邻近节段退变的前提下,更容易、更微创、更廉价、更安全、更有效的治疗青少年腰椎峡裂。
The partial function of the courseware and some details are made by auxiliary platform. 而辅助平台则主要负责课件局部功能和细节内容的制作。
Differentiated MSCs cells have partial function of normal conjunctiva cells. 分化细胞具有部分正常结膜上皮细胞功能。